Android App Development Services

We are an Android app development company, delivering solutions that seamlessly run across all Android devices. Our clients have established themselves as pioneers with our innovative solutions. We build products that leverage other Google technologies for an integrative app experience so that your product truly stands out from the rest.

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Android Development Services We Offer

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UI/UX Design

Our UI/UX design services focus on creating user-centric solutions which help turn your ideas into reality. We understand how critical design-thinking is in delivering user friendly products. Thus, we use a human-centered ideology that leads to meaningful solutions to your users.

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Through our CI/CD services, the development and operations team work seamlessly together to integrate new code as it is written. This enables efficient testing and delivery of your product to the market well before your competition, as well as allowing new features and bug fixes that keep your app running smoothly.

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Android App Development

Our Android application development services cover the entire product pipeline, from ideation, strategy, design, to Google Play submission. Our experts specialize in developing apps on all Android platforms and have launched numerous successful products. Whatever your requirements, our developers have the answers.

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Testing is a critical process in app development. All elements must function smoothly together, and the app should be user-friendly and intuitive to use. To ensure this functionality, we test our Android apps and iteratively improve the application so that you do not have to face future issues.

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Maintenance and Support

Releasing the app is only the first step. As the software evolves, so does your app. We provide the necessary optimization, maintenance, and support services to keep your app running effortlessly on all platforms. At every stage, we ensure that your needs continue to be met and the app performs as specified.

Advantages of Android Development

  • Open source and royalty-free, meaning you can interact and learn from other Android developers about market changes and new developments.
  • Android has a large target customer base compared to iOS; as of May 2021, there are 72% Android users compared to only 26% of iOS users.
  • There is a large Android community, so it is easier to discuss ideas and troubleshoot.
  • Android is backed by Google, which means you can enjoy the support of other Google platforms and services for your product, like Google Pay, Google Assistant, etc.
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Android Development Technologies We Use

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Which One To Choose?

  1. 01

    Native – Kotlin

    Kotlin is used by more than 60% of Android developers. In fact, Google estimates than 70% of the top 1000 apps on the Play Store are written in Kotlin. It is also the main language used in our Android app development services, backed by Google.

    This ensures that the app will have the best performance. This is because it will run efficiently in the main technology and will continue to be supported by Android communities. Kotlin is also expressive and concise, allowing us to express your ideas with as little code as possible.

  2. 02

    Cross-platform – Xamarin

    Xamarin is a cross-platform language that allows you to use the same code base for both iOS and Android. Instead of using Kotlin, it employs C# – C# is a modern language with many advantages over others like Java due to features such as parallel programming, dynamic language, etc.

    Using Xamarin also saves time if the client wants to write an iOS application because they can simply use the C# code and use a separate layout instead of rewriting the entire code for iOS on Swift.

    Moreover, it runs in a managed environment that provides useful applications like garbage collection and memory allocation.

  3. 03

    Cross-platform – Flutter

    Through Google’s Dart-based SDK (Software Development Kit), Flutter, we make applications that look the same on both Android and iOS platforms.

    This cross-platform support of the framework makes the development process fast and efficient because we do not have to focus on writing the application natively on each platform.

    We simply write one code that works and looks the same on both iOS and Android. Additionally, the hot reload feature of the SDK makes the development process much faster and more efficient.

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    Native – Kotlin

    Kotlin is used by more than 60% of Android developers. In fact, Google estimates than 70% of the top 1000 apps on the Play Store are written in Kotlin. It is also the main language used in our Android app development services, backed by Google.

    This ensures that the app will have the best performance. This is because it will run efficiently in the main technology and will continue to be supported by Android communities. Kotlin is also expressive and concise, allowing us to express your ideas with as little code as possible.

  2. icon

    Cross-platform – Xamarin

    Xamarin is a cross-platform language that allows you to use the same code base for both iOS and Android. Instead of using Kotlin, it employs C# – C# is a modern language with many advantages over others like Java due to features such as parallel programming, dynamic language, etc.

    Using Xamarin also saves time if the client wants to write an iOS application because they can simply use the C# code and use a separate layout instead of rewriting the entire code for iOS on Swift.

    Moreover, it runs in a managed environment that provides useful applications like garbage collection and memory allocation.

  3. icon

    Cross-platform – Flutter

    Through Google’s Dart-based SDK (Software Development Kit), Flutter, we make applications that look the same on both Android and iOS platforms.

    This cross-platform support of the framework makes the development process fast and efficient because we do not have to focus on writing the application natively on each platform.

    We simply write one code that works and looks the same on both iOS and Android. Additionally, the hot reload feature of the SDK makes the development process much faster and more efficient.

Why Applandeo?

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Technical expertise

A keen grasp of the latest programming languages and software best practices guide us in all our projects. Then, based on our experience, we can suggest the technology solution that would be the best fit for your project (Kotlin, Xamarin, or Flutter).

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Holistic approach

No software exists in isolation. A holistic and personalized approach to every project sets us apart from other software houses. We’ll look beyond the technical specifications and focus on the bigger picture of how the application will function in the real world.

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Smooth communication

Proposing useful solutions and writing clean code only goes so far if you can’t get the points across. An essential aspect of our working method centers on continuous, clear communication among team members, product owners, and key stakeholders throughout the project.

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Android App Development Services - marcel-100px Hi, I’m Marcin, COO of Applandeo

Are you looking for a tech partner? Searching for a new job? Or do you simply have any feedback that you’d like to share with our team? Whatever brings you to us, we’ll do our best to help you. Don’t hesitate and drop us a message!

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