Java Development Company

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, largely because it’s proven to work across various systems. It’s been around for more than 20 years, and it’s still going strong because it’s one of the most versatile and powerful programming languages that exists out there.

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Services we provide

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Custom Java Application Development

Java is among the most popular programming languages in use. It’s a simple, powerful general-purpose programming language. Our developers can use Java to develop custom platform independent web and mobile applications for your business.

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Enterprise Applications

Since Java is one of the most widely-used programming languages in the world, it’s often the backbone of large enterprise applications like customer relationship management software, employee management systems and resource planning systems.

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Cloud-based Platforms

Developing applications in the cloud is a great way to cut costs and reduce the time to go to market. Java is a perfect language to do this with for its platform-independence. We have extensive experience building and deploying cloud-native apps.

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Migrations and Integrations

Our developers specialize in Java and have deep knowledge of the programming language. We have completed dozens of Java projects to date and can successfully plan and implement a java migration or integration project.

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Java Consulting

Java is a high-level programming language that is concurrent, class-based, and object-oriented. It’s intended to let app developers “write once, run anywhere.” Our experts can advise how best to build Java applications.

Our approach

Applandeo as a Java software development company has years of experience building Java apps. We offer great value for Java development services as well as digital transformation and integration services. We create tailor-made Java apps with a holistic approach to all our custom projects. Each app is unique and requires a novel approach to address your distinct challenges. We’ll focus on building stable, secure apps that are easier to write and easier to maintain. We guarantee your Java app will provide real value to your organization. 

Our team’s grasp on the latest Java trends and best practices guide us in all our web and mobile app development projects. Our commitment to quality work is second to none. Our clients agree and work with us for years on end. Many of our most successful projects were written in Java and we continue to provide top-notch custom software to medium and large enterprises. 

In addition to deep experience and fine attention to detail, our team works hard to constantly improve our communication. Software development is a team sport that requires continuous clear communication among different teams and across organizations. We’ll work closely with you to create a robust Java application. 

Among the many Java apps we’ve developed, many have gone on to become highly successful tools due in large part to the foundations we’ve laid. Collaborate better and grow your business with a powerful application that works well now and is simple to update when the time comes. Java application development will address your company’s unique challenges.

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Java development solutions we offer

Banking and Finance

Accounting, payment and payout systems, contract management, vouchers, third-party payment integrations, financial statistics, Scoring, data warehousing, invoice processing, design of enterprise software, development of enterprise software.

Health, Wellness and Sport

Personal healthcare applications, health clubs management, retail systems, corporate wellness software, sport services providers. Booking management, training schedule, customer management.

Tourism and Hospitality

Commercial software dedicated to hospitality objects and its guests, property management systems, booking engines, customer relationship management, creation of digital leads, generations channel, tourism-related apps.


Registration system, review and scoring, ordering module, virtual loyalty card, third-party payment integrations, third-party shipping integrations, data analysis, data migration and, synchronization, GDPR compliance.

Get in touch

Technologies we love

  • Spring boot, Micronaut
  • Microservices
  • ReactiveX, RxJava
  • REST web services
  • Java, Spring: Core, Boot, MVC, Batch, JPA, Security
  • JPA, Hibernate
  • Maven
  • Junit, Mockito, Spock.
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Our Java Development Process

  1. 01


    First, we collect and analyze client needs to form project requirements and estimate the scope of work.

  2. 02

    Time and Cost

    Next, we estimate the time and team size needed to complete the work. We offer a few flexible models so clients can choose which option fits their expectations best.

  3. 03


    We treat each client individually and offer a contract that fits their needs. Depending on client expectations, we sign NDAs and SLAs per client request.

  4. 04


    Just as we treat each project individually, we also create teams of the best specialists to run it. For a software outsourcing company, people are key. We collect the best specialists to run the project according to their technological expertise. Every one of the developers, project managers, designers, manual testers are there to make the product shine. Should the project scope expand, we can expand the team quickly and easily as well.

  5. 05


    Day-to-day we use the scrum methodology, which emphasizes regular stand-up meetings and that divides a project into two-week sprints. Teams show their progress to the client periodically to keep everyone on the same page. Whether we’re creating an MVP or a full application, we organize our work this way.

  6. 06


    Software development is never totally over. Once we finish a project to specification and test it, can also help maintain it. Maintenance guarantees our help fitting it into environment changes and addressing future errors. At this stage, we set an approximate team size and inform our clients about the expected project cost and the time we need to complete the tasks. A client is also familiar with alternative ways of delivering the service and is able to choose the option that fits them best.

  1. 01


    First, we collect and analyze client needs to form project requirements and estimate the scope of work.

  2. 02

    Time and Cost

    Next, we estimate the time and team size needed to complete the work. We offer a few flexible models so clients can choose which option fits their expectations best.

  3. 03


    We treat each client individually and offer a contract that fits their needs. Depending on client expectations, we sign NDAs and SLAs per client request.

  4. 04


    Just as we treat each project individually, we also create teams of the best specialists to run it. For a software outsourcing company, people are key. We collect the best specialists to run the project according to their technological expertise. Every one of the developers, project managers, designers, manual testers are there to make the product shine. Should the project scope expand, we can expand the team quickly and easily as well.

  5. 05


    Day-to-day we use the scrum methodology, which emphasizes regular stand-up meetings and that divides a project into two-week sprints. Teams show their progress to the client periodically to keep everyone on the same page. Whether we’re creating an MVP or a full application, we organize our work this way.

  6. 06


    Software development is never totally over. Once we finish a project to specification and test it, can also help maintain it. Maintenance guarantees our help fitting it into environment changes and addressing future errors. At this stage, we set an approximate team size and inform our clients about the expected project cost and the time we need to complete the tasks. A client is also familiar with alternative ways of delivering the service and is able to choose the option that fits them best.

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What are the key benefits of using Java for my business?

Java is a programming language that can be used for many purposes, including making desktop applications, mobile apps, and websites. It’s a very powerful language and can be used for more than just creating programs. Java can be used to create entire programs or very small features of larger programs.


What are the types of applications that can be built on Java?

Java is a flexible language to use for many different applications. It’s one of the most popular languages and so it’s in a lot of the apps we use every day. Generally, it’s well-suited to large-scale applications and those that don’t have to be platform specific.


What programming challenges do you face as a Java web development company?

Some of the most challenging areas are in project and production management, arrangements with clients and scheduling. Another thing is the selection of architectural and infrastructure solutions or tools. It’s not easy or cheap to make changes here so it’s vital to be very strategic about how you implement a Java app.

One thing that’s specific to Java is that there’s such a large selection of tools that the trick is to select the ones that will be the right for your job. But in general, Java is developing fast (there are new releases every six months), it is good to write libraries and a lot of frameworks. There are few other technologies that offer such a wide range of tools.

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Let’s chat!

Java Development Company - marcel-100px Hi, I’m Marcin, COO of Applandeo

Are you looking for a tech partner? Searching for a new job? Or do you simply have any feedback that you’d like to share with our team? Whatever brings you to us, we’ll do our best to help you. Don’t hesitate and drop us a message!

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