IT Consulting

The development of IT solutions enables you to reach and connect with thousands of new clients from all over the world. Thus, your business gets a crucial advantage in an increasingly competitive global market. We provide IT consulting services to assist in bridging the gap between your business and the rest of the world. We can guide your vision by leveraging our tech expertise to help you create reliable IT solutions.

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Services we provide

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Digitalization of business processes

Customers take a quick and seamless digital experience for granted. Besides, proper digitalization can be a competitive advantage. It reduces costs, offers better operational controls, and fewer risks. We can identify the essential end-to-end processes of your business. With that information in mind, we can help you choose the right technology and tools.

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Selecting the optimal IT solution

We can perform a business analysis of your project or idea. After that, we can suggest the technical infrastructure to achieve your goals. Our team has extensive experience in software development and project implementation. Hence, our IT infrastructure consulting services will allow you to choose the most suitable technology.

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Upgrading current IT infrastructure

We can analyze the existing solutions and suggest ways to improve it. For example, if IT solutions are outdated and the software scalability is low, we identify the reason and look for ways to solve the problem. Our experts will evaluate all the processes and find out if the performance is slacking and why.

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Improving security

Digitization has its dark side — security threats. Cybersecurity is necessary to operate your business efficiently and protect customers’ information. The average cost of cybercrime for an organization reached as high as $13.0 million. Providing advice and guidance on the application and system security is among our IT consulting projects. Besides, our experts can recommend best practices in these areas.

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Cloud Migration

Moving IT infrastructure to the cloud has become a trend in recent years. Businesses are looking for cost-effective and secure ways to manage their IT solutions. Cloud services provide a number of benefits. Among them are resource flexibility, scalability, and agility in technology. We can help you to move from On-Premise infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure Cloud. These companies are among the most popular cloud computing service providers.

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System Administration

Maintaining complex computer systems might provide numerous challenges. We will help you to cope with upgrading and troubleshooting software, routines automation, implementing and maintaining security policies, etc.

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Why choose Applandeo as your IT consulting company?

Client Care. Our IT support consultants provide a personalized approach to each client and one point of contact. We know the value of the quick response. Our team listens to the customers while being honest and straight-forward. Building smooth communication is an essential part of our projects. We are highly committed to cooperation. Our main goal is to work hand-in-hand to get the best results.

The Desire to Co-create. While providing IT consulting and other services we do our best to point the clients in the right direction. We try to help them in defining new functionalities and attractive features. Our goal is to be not just a technology provider, but a technology partner.

Well-developed agile culture. Agile is our guiding framework, which values teamwork and constant feedback. Our team appreciates the openness and personal responsibility. Such an approach ensures transparency. Besides, we have no trouble adapting to different clients and dynamic workflows.

Holistic approach. IT solutions and infrastructure are not only about coding, they don’t exist in a vacuum. They should be deeply intertwined with the company’s goals, strategies, and processes. Only in such cases, those instruments bear fruit. We carefully study our clients’ businesses to provide the most suitable advice.

Technical expertise in a wide range of industry sectors. Specific industries require specific IT solutions, which suit their needs. We’ve developed software for clients from different areas. Among them are healthcare, hospitality, logistics, new media, management, finance, and insurance. Accumulated experience allows us to deliver high-quality IT consulting services.

Cutting-edge tech. Technologies don’t stand still, new, more advanced tools constantly spring up. You should strengthen the IT infrastructure of your business with the latest solutions. Only constant evolution will keep you ahead of the market. We keep a close eye on the technology trends. Hence, we are ready to offer your enterprise IT consulting and take into account modern technologies and solutions.

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