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Truck Yeah! AI's on Board

This time, we’ll be talking with Yukon Palmer, the CEO and Founder of FieldLogix – one of the industry’s Leading Field Resource Management Platforms. Get to know him better 👇

Ep 13: Truck Yeah! AI’s on Board - graphic1

Truck Yeah! AI’s on Board – with Yukon Palmer

During our conversation, Yukon told us about his journey of becoming the CEO and Founder of FieldLogix – one of the industry’s Leading Field Resource Management Platforms. We also discussed different aspects of the trucking and logistics industry, what kind of innovations we can expect at FieldLogix, how they use AI to improve drivers’ safety, and much more! Meet Yukon!

Points covered:

  • Yukon’s professional journey
  • Digitization in Logistics
  • The history and background behind FieldLogix
  • FieldLogix – what’s in their timeline?
  • Trucking industry pain points and challenges
  • The transition from 2G to 3G and further
  • The life-saving power of AI
  • How technology is making trucking safer and more efficient

About Yukon

Yukon is the CEO and Founder FieldLogix – one of the industry’s Leading Field Resource Management Platforms. The platform includes telematics (using Artificial Intelligence), dash cameras, route optimization & dispatching, mobile forms, and mobile timekeeping. With AI use, he wants to help fleets improve safety.

Yukon started FieldLogix in 2002, and since then, his SaaS solution has been adopted by some of the largest US companies in the mechanical contracting, construction, transportation, and last-mile delivery industries.

Their achievements so far:
– 100 Fastest Growing Companies in San Diego in 2019 & 2020 – (ranked #12 in 2020)
– Best & Brightest Companies to work for – 2020
– 50 Best Places to Work for – 2020
– 10 Most Innovative Fleet Management Companies – 2017
– IoT Breakthrough Awards winner – Vehicle Telematics Solution of the Year – 2018

Recently, we also asked him a few questions to get to know him better – read them here.

Intro 0:01
Welcome to the How We Innovate podcast presented by Applandeo, hosted by me, Wiola and my co-host, Bryan. On this podcast, we talk with leading innovators, pull back the curtain on their industry, and get to know how they use technology to achieve success, as well as share the story behind them and their businesses.

Host – Wiola 0:23
On today’s episode, we have Yukon Palmer, the CEO and founder of FieldLogix, one of the industry leading field resource management platforms, Yukon – thank you for joining us. Can you give us a brief introduction of yourself?

Guest – Yukon 0:38
Sure, yeah. Thanks for having me. So I’m the founder of FieldLogix, started the company about 20 years ago. And what we do is we provide what we call a field resource management system. So basically, we help companies monitor their field vehicles, employees and equipment. We tell them where they are, where they been, how productive they are, as well as how healthy and safe and number of other things, we’re basically just helping companies be more productive.

Host – Wiola 1:06
As we know, you’ve also received multiple awards for your innovative approach and continuous innovation, as well as a very good customer support. Can you like briefly tell us about your innovative features? Or what’s so unique about your innovative approach?

Guest – Yukon 1:23
Yeah, so yeah, so historically, I mean, we’ve been pretty much the first in our industry to implement a new feature new functionality that is different from everything else, but also helps the customer achieve more. So for example, we were the first to roll out a driver behavior management feature set, where we focused on sustainability. So we did this back in 2008, where we monitor things like idling, speeding, we tell fleets, what their drivers green score is how much CO2 they’re emitting, as well as how much fuel is being wasted due to poor driving habits, such as idling and speeding. So we were the first to roll that out, we rolled out a few years ago, we rolled out ETAs. So we were the first in our industry, to give our customers the ability to send ETAs to their clients that were waiting for their their drivers to arrive. And then most recently, we implemented an Artificial Intelligence feature that can predict the likelihood that a driver might be involved in a crash. So we built a model based on all the crashes we’ve seen in our system, we look at weather, because that’s one of the biggest contributing factors. And then we every night, we check all of our all the vehicles in our system, and we tell our customers, what the drivers likelihood of being in an accident is over the next 72 hours. So it’s a way for them to improve safety and also leverage some innovative, you know, technology with artificial intelligence.

Host – Bryan 2:58
Yeah. And you know, I think I think I have so FieldLogix that your first priority soft priority software was released in 2007. If I’m mistaken.

Guest – Yukon 3:06
Yeah. So Exactly.

Host – Bryan 3:07
Right. Right. So that’s, that’s a long time. So. So since that date to now how much has the digitalization in logistics changed? Right, between maybe the mobile apps or just web apps or anything? Like, what what of what have you seen that are some maybe some of the positives of that and some of the negatives?

Guest – Yukon 3:26
Sure, yeah. So you know, a lot has changed. You know, when we started, we were, we started, the industry was focused mostly on tracking. So it was just, you know, people call it dots on the map, right? It’s just locating assets. But so much has evolved since then, mobile apps have have allowed fleets to, or is allowed our technology to give the fleet managers more transparent or more visibility. So when they’re out in the field, they can see where their drivers are, what their drivers are doing. But also, with the mobile apps, the drivers can now interact with the system more. So they can update their statuses. They can get more details on their jobs, they can communicate back with the back office, communicate with their clients. So a lot of that has helped basically improve communication and improve visibility. So I’d say the mobile apps that’s really helped on the visibility side. And then a more of an emphasis on driver behavior. The industry has really shifted its focus to not just showing where these drivers are, but showing how safe they are, how efficient they are when they’re when it comes to driving. So a lot of behavioral management functionality isn’t has come along. Now I’d say the improvements. One thing that all this has helped with is it’s helped reduce driver backlash. So when the early days or the early days of the industry, a lot of drivers were resistant against the technology because they said that It was more like a big brother tool. But now there’s so much functionality that helps the drivers do their job, that that’s less of an issue as it was before. You know, another big thing that’s emerged is dash cameras. So with these dash cameras, there’s a recording device in the vehicle that’s constantly recording what’s taking place in the cab as well as on the road. And, you know, that helps improve driver safety. But also, it becomes a privacy challenge, right? I mean, you’re, you know, 10 years ago, you’re actually 15 years ago, you had a lot of concerns about this Big Brother, Big Brother aspect, well, cameras take it to another level. So, so So you know, the cameras, they’re in the process, I believe they’re in the process of adding functionality that would help the driver benefit the driver. But until there’s more of that, then you will probably see some more pushback from the drivers. Because, you know, they feel like it’s a invasion of their privacy.

Host – Bryan 6:01
Yeah. And maybe just to piggyback on the dashboards, right. So I agree, I think when we were preparing for the podcast, right, we kind of saw that as maybe a privacy concern that, you know, maybe they wouldn’t want to be monitored 24/7. Right. So like, what’s the again, what sort of pushback did you guys receive from that? And obviously, there are pros and cons to both but you know, has it over time maybe become more of an understanding between it’s, you know, maybe for the safety of the fleet, the driver, rather than maybe just the privacy concerns?

Guest – Yukon 6:33
Yeah, so as far as the push back, just like you mentioned, privacy, right, if you have a cab camera that’s constantly recording the driver that you know, the drivers face, and what they’re doing in the cab, you know, obviously, you will have people that are concerned about that. So, so that’s the biggest pushback that I’ve seen just industry wide. The benefits are, it protects the driver if there’s ever an accident. So in the US, you know, I imagine worldwide, actually, there are a lot of issues with what’s called staged accidents. So you have a motorist on the road, and they want to, you know, force an accident so that they can file an insurance claim and get paid a pretty big settlement from insurance. So a lot of this is, you know, they’ll drive in front of the vehicle slam on their brakes, and forced the vehicle to be random. So that happens a lot. And the benefits of the drivers are protects the driver, if that ever happened. So they have evidence that shows that this driver intentionally cut them off or intentionally slammed on their brakes to force an accident. And they can use that video record to to basically prove that the driver wasn’t in the wrong. So that’s one of the biggest benefits. Obviously, there’s other safety benefits and so on. But as far as the benefit to toward the driver, that’s, that’s the biggest one.

Host – Wiola 7:58
Yes. And what what are we can see on the roads nowadays, it’s slowly becoming a standard, those dash cameras, the safety of drivers is I guess this is the most important. So do you have any statistics or any data that actually that, you know, they prove that what you provided it, you know, it benefited drivers, or it really improved the drivers safety? And and and then behavior on the road?

Guest – Yukon 8:30
Yeah, so we have a number of studies. So you know, we have a couple customers that they reduced the number of active traffic violations, I believe it was by about 80%. Because the drivers were more conscientious of their driving behavior after the technology was installed. So, you know, things like that we’ve had have a number of fleets that said they reduced their idling by about 45%. That, because again, the drivers were being monitored, they were more conscientious of their idling behavior, and then they reduced their idling. So yeah, so we have a number of case studies that show all of these reductions in in, you know, these poor driving habits after the technology was implemented.

Host – Bryan 9:16
And maybe just to piggyback on that. So it was this AI stuff. Is that something that your clients were really looking for? Or is this something that you saw was something as a forefront and innovative technology before? Maybe a client came to you asking for such insights?

Guest – Yukon 9:32
Yeah, it’s a little bit of both. So what it is, is our clients are extremely concerned about driver safety. That’s one of the biggest issues for them. So they want us to ensure that they’re not involved in accidents. You know, if our fleets are involved in an accident, not only does it cause downtime for that, that driver of that vehicle, but also obviously, it can present a very significant financial legal liability for the fleet for the company in some way. MCs accidents, if there was ever a death involved in an accident, they can run multimillion millions of dollars. So they’re really concerned about drivers safety, they want to do everything they can to improve driver safety. And this this feature kind of evolved from that need. So we looked at the client’s need, and then we looked at new innovative technology that could help address that need, we determined that AI could be used as a tool to help these these fleets and and that’s why we decided to implement that feature.

Host – Bryan 10:36
And maybe for like, future features or anything. Have you thought of other ways? Maybe you could utilize AI into some new things that you’re doing AI field logics?

Guest – Yukon 10:46
Oh, yeah, absolutely. So you know, I mean, the great thing about AI is AI can be used to take unstructured data, right? And then build a prediction or predict prediction model. So yes, there’s a lot of I mean, we collect millions and millions of data points, you know, each each month, so we can always take those data points and build a model to to predict certain outcomes. And, you know, there are a number of areas that we’re looking at, obviously, driver safety is the biggest one. But there are other aspects when it comes to managing a fleet that would be beneficial if the fleet manager had the ability to predict the likelihood of some outcome. And then, you know, save themselves in trouble down the line.

Host – Wiola 11:30
And, in general, how big are the fleets, you operate?

Guest – Yukon 11:35
They range. So you know, we have fleets with hundreds of vehicles, 1000s of vehicles, but I would say our average fleets, probably about 100, 100 vehicles or so somewhere between maybe 75 and 100.

Host – Bryan 11:47
And maybe just to go into like the development right, so how big is your development team? How is the feedback loop route? Because I know you mentioned earlier that, you know, some of the AI stuff you’re working on was a blend of what you guys envisioned and some client feedback. Right. So how does that work in terms of developing new features? And maybe futures you have on the roadmap?

Guest – Yukon 12:09
Yeah, yeah. So as far as our development team, so we have six people involved in our development process. And as far as, you know, our our process, you know, generally, every year, we’re just gonna be spec out what our plan is for the year. And then we do a quarterly check, because obviously, things changed throughout the year. So we’ll just plan out our roadmap for the year. And then generally, you know, there’ll be a lot of enhancements. So taking existing functionality, improving it based on feedback, but then new functionality will will roll into that. So we’ll try that we typically try to do one big new feature a year, at least sometimes we can do too.

Host – Bryan 12:52
So so what were the new what were the two big ones for this year for 2020, 2022?

Guest – Yukon 13:00
Yeah, 2022, yeah, it’s almost over. So one of the big ones was a vehicle inspections app. So we, you know, we have demand from our fleets to perform for their drivers to perform pre trip and post trip vehicle inspection. So they’ll check the safety of the vehicle, they’ll check the you know, the treads on the tires, the windshield wipers, all those things. And then they’ll complete a checklist in the app. And then there’s a report for the fleet manager to review to show which inspections were or which points were completed, you know, the inspection scores, all those types of things. So that was a big one that we did this year. We just rolled that one out a couple months ago. And then we did some other enhancements. AI actually, we rolled out at the beginning of the year. So our AI feature we rolled out at the beginning of this year. So those are the two big ones for 2022.

Host – Bryan 13:54
Are you able to give us a sneak peek into 2023?

Guest – Yukon 13:57
Well, I like to keep most close to the vest. But you know, I’ll say that we are focusing more on driver behavior next year to improve driver safety, and then also improving our route routing optimization and dispatching functionality to ensure that the drivers are more efficient in the planning processes is more effective.

Host – Wiola 14:21
And yes, so speaking of development process, how do you collect feedback? And how, what is the process here? And also, what features may be the drivers find the most beneficial?

Guest – Yukon 14:38
Sure, yeah, so So you know, as far as capturing the feedback or the, you know, the feedback from the client, we create support tickets, every time someone makes a request. So we use Salesforce so we can you know, anytime a customer makes a request, we’ll create a case. So what we do is We, we capture those when we’re in the present. So even pre sales, so we’re talking to a prospect, and they ask if the system can do this, this and this will actually create a ticket for that. And then after the customer signs up any additional requests that they make, we create tickets for those. So we have all these tickets, and we we capture, you know, a lot of tickets each year, or, you know, I would say, probably 100 tickets a year, so, so then we go through those tickets we look at, so we try to make sure we, you know, a lot of times, it’s difficult to make sure that they’re, you get duplicates, right, you want to make sure that all of them are standardized. So we’ll go through, we’ll look at all the same tickets, the same requests, and we score them, we just, we give them a score based on the number of requests we get. And then that score is what’s used to prioritize which features we’ll work on, you know, during the next year of development, or the next development cycle over the next year. So that’s kind of our process, you know, sometimes new things come in, you know, obviously, you know, we’re a SaaS company, if sometimes we’re trying to win a big deal, and maybe that that deal does require a certain feature, and we roll it into our agreement with that customer, then we’ll have to kind of move some things around to accommodate. So that’s kind of our process, I would say it’s fairly structured, but there’s room for, you know, unstructured aspects of it. And then as far as what the the drivers get value in. One is the the dispatching functionality. So we have an app, it’s called a goose. And with goose would, the fleet manager does is they plan the drivers routes for the day. So though, you know, I mentioned before, though, bring in all their deliveries or their stops, they’ll optimize it, they’ll send it out to the driver, the driver has a mobile app and mobile app, it shows a list of all their jobs for the day, in the order date as prescribed by the manager. And then the jobs have all the details. So you know who they’re seeing when they get there, what they’re supposed to do when they get there. They can send ETA to their clients when they’re in route. And then they can capture proof of service to prove that they completed the work. So at the end of the job, they can get a signature, they can take pictures, they can scan barcodes. And then all that information is emailed to the client, as well as back to the fleet manager. So the drivers value this because it helps them prove that they did what they were supposed to do. But also it helps ensure that they get to where they’re supposed to be when they’re supposed to be there. So, you know, they’re not fumbling around with a map trying to find their address or, you know, typing the wrong address into Google Maps, because the address is already in put by the fleet manager. So they’re less likely to get lost, they’re more likely to be on time they, you know, their clients will be there, when they arrive, they will get no shows, because the clients got the ETAs. And then the clients can’t dispute that they completed the work because there’s pictures and signatures and all those things. So the drivers value that a lot. The other thing is, is we have a driver safety scorecard. So drivers safety scorecard and rates all the drivers based on aggressive driving based on speeding. And then it basically shows the best performing drivers and the worst performing drivers in the fleet. So the fleet can use that a lot of our fleets will use it as an internal competition, or to facilitate an internal competition. So they’ll reward the drivers with the higher scores and coach the drivers with the lower scores to help them improve. So obviously, the drivers that are performing at their expectations and better generally benefit, you know, they they value that they really like it. The ones that aren’t, you know, they actually use it as a way to help them improve safety, so they can ensure that they get home safe at the end of the day, you know, by that feedback or the coaching they get from the fleet manager.

Host – Bryan 19:02
Cool. And I think maybe from our perspective, again, as a software company, right, we always like to ask innovators about the MVP, right? So how did the MVP of FieldLogix look? Was it a web app? Mobile app? What was a tech stack? We’re talking about something from 2007. So you know, so how did it look? And how is the UX/UI?

Guest – Yukon 19:27
Yeah, so the, the original stack is, is all Microsoft. So you know, you have a sequel back in a in built on .NET. Yeah, I mean, the original version was was pretty rough. You know, there were, you know, a lot of so we use the mapping tool. So now we use Google Maps for our maps, but before we used something else that was not as cost effective. So every time a user wanted to view an address in the report, there was a button a click to have it geocode the address, because we want it to be, you know, we wanted to, to, we didn’t want to use too many credits of our geocoding. And it was just really expensive. So that was very tedious for the for the clients, a lot of clients didn’t like it. So then eventually, we brought over Google Maps, and we just geocode everything now. But yeah, it was, it was definitely something that was just very, very onerous for the for the client. And I would say, you know, the way we kind of operate is when we roll out new functionality, a lot of times, if it’s something that’s like totally different and unique, that initial version of that feature will be considered an MVP. So it’s not just the whole platform, the whole product, that’s an MVP, it’s just that one feature set, that’s an MVP, we collect feedback, so we use that feedback loop. And then a couple months later, we’ll go back to that feature, and then we’ll enhance the feature based on the feedback. So that’s kind of the way our approach has been over the past few years. But, you know, the MVPs aren’t always the prettiest. And, you know, obviously, usually, they’re pretty basic, but it’s great, because it tells us that you know that there’s value, if people are using it, and they’re they’re giving us feedback, then obviously, there’s value in it. And then that justifies the additional investment of time and resources to enhance that feature.

Host – Wiola 21:27
And you’ve been on the market for over 20 years. And in this logistics industry. And your platform has been adopted by you know, all sorts of companies, mechanical contracting, construction, transportation, less last mile delivery industry. So, from your point of view, how much has changed in technology in this industry as a whole?

Guest – Yukon 21:56
Yeah. I mean, it has evolved a lot. You know, as I mentioned, before, mobile has become a bigger component of it than it was in the past. You know, the AI, so that new technology, that’s, you know, that’s been implemented. So, you know, I would say the technology has evolved, because new new technologies have really enabled us to do more with it. And so that, you know, that’s one of the things as far as the pain points go. You know, I would say, pain point, just general pain point in our industry is just our dependence on third parties for a lot of things. So for example, cellular data, we all use cellular networks to communicate with the, with the devices. And the challenge that we’ve had, and this is a repeating issue is we’ll use a network. So our data is low bandwidth data. So we don’t, you know, we’re pushing, you know, most of the, you know, absent the video, you know, with the, with the trackers, the old traditional telematics devices, they typically use half of a meg of data, so about 500 KB a month. So very low bandwidth. And with, so with that we can get away with using older cellular technologies, we don’t always have to have the latest and greatest, we don’t have to have 5G, right, we can do with 3G, or, you know, back years ago, we did fine with 2G. So the problem though, is is the consumer side of cellular has, has higher demands and keeps you know that the bandwidth requirements for cell phone are dramatically higher than telematics device. So when you have, you know, a cell phone that’s using 5-10-20 gigs a month, well, the cellular providers, what they’re going to do is they’re gonna say, well, that’s a higher priority for us, you know, they’re they need more bandwidth. We want to adopt more consumer or get one more consumers. But also, they generate more revenue for the cellular providers than these telematics devices. So what always happens is the cellular providers will say, Okay, well, you know, 3G is a low bandwidth or lower bandwidth technology. Most of our revenue comes from cell phones. So we’re going to drop 3G, and then allocate spectrum to 4G, well, that really causes a lot of problems for people in our industry, because we have a good portion of our customer base on 3G, and we’re forced to go to them and require them to upgrade all the equipment, and that equipment comes at a cost, right? It’s not free. So we have to either absorb the cost or we have to pass the cost over to our customer. And that’s always been a challenge for us and others in our industry. There’s just a lot of churn when that happens. So we encountered that back in 20. I think it was 2017 when ATT did it and we encountered it this year because all all All the major carriers dropped 3G this year. So fortunately, we’re on the tail end of that. But it’s, you know, it’s just a repeated issue. Now most of our devices are on 4G, you know, the other issue here is the manufacturers. They lag they don’t they don’t even build modems with a newer technology. Until that, you know, I mean, for years after that technology is rolled out. So there as far as I’m aware, there are no telematics devices, no dash cameras that use 5G yet. They’re all in 4G. Well, what’s going to happen? You know, 5-10 years, hopefully, 10 years or longer, the carriers are going to sunset 5G, and then we’ll have to go or sunset 4G, and then we’ll have to go to 5G and so on. So it kind of becomes almost like a reset for a lot of companies every time that happens. And it’s very, very difficult.

Host – Bryan 25:50
You know, you kind of read my mind, because I was actually going to talk about this transition from 2G to 3G, right. And I think you’ve been actually pretty open about some of the issues that you had when they sunset 2G And you had to go to 3G. Right. So what lessons did you maybe learn when you had to endure that that you took into that you that you made better? Right? Because it seems like you were you were well aware of the shutdown to 3G, the sunset, right, so what did you learn from that, that you put into practice now?

Guest – Yukon 26:19
Yeah, yeah, so a lot of so you know, back when 2G happen, that’s more when things are more just just basic tracking, right. So dots on the map, like I mentioned before. So what we did was, rather than having the tracking being the core of the product, we added a lot more functionality to make tracking a smaller component of overall solution. So as I mentioned, you know, we’ve got routing and dispatching, we’ve got the driver behavior monitoring, we’ve got, you know, AI. So there are a lot of other schools that make, it kind of makes that the telematics piece kind of just a smaller part of the total solution. So when when that’s the case, it’s, it’s harder for these companies to to just, you know, to drop the technology. So, you know, back when 2G happened, some of these fleets would just say, you know, what, I don’t even think I use the system enough. And it’s not worth the trouble of going out and replacing all the devices. So I’m just going to cancel the service. And then we had some fleets, I just said, Well, you know, what I want to go and see what else is out there. And they might switch to a different provider. So we just built more functionality around the tracking to make the tracking piece, just a smaller component. And then they’re more likely to stick around. We also did the integrations to help ensure that there’s there they we retain the customers as well. But again, it just comes back to just providing more of a full solution. So you know, our system is more of a platform now. And back when 2G happened, we were more of a an application.

Host – Bryan 27:58
So you can I think another big thing of FieldLogix was the fuel efficiency monitoring, right? So obviously now with the cost of fuel and the more cultural awareness of climate change, and trying to be more, less reliant on fuel. Right, so how has that changed? Maybe in the industry since especially since you’ve started?

Guest – Yukon 28:20
Yeah, so, you know, I’d say it’s changed a lot. You know, so when we started, a lot of fleets didn’t really concern themselves with about idling, they weren’t worried about idling. You know, they gave these drivers the company fuel card, and they would go and fill up the company trucks, and the company just didn’t care. They just kind of saw it as a perk. But now, you know, and by the way, you know, we were when we were actually the first in our industry to, to have a sustainability focus. You know, we used to call ourselves a Green Fleet Management product. Solution. This is back in 2008, 2008-2009. Unfortunately, that was it was a little early, you know, it was early for us to take that angle, not a lot of people saw the value in that. So we actually pulled back on just calling ourselves a Green Fleet Management product. But now, what we we shifted to was is, we now call it sustainability. But we also shifted to focusing more on the costs. So even you know, so when we first rolled this, this feature set out back in 2008. We showed the fleets, not only what their drivers green score was, but we showed them how much fuel was being spent due to idling and speeding, we showed them the cost. So we said okay, these poor driving behaviors are costing you, you know, $1,000 $1,000 a month. So when you show the cost that really resonates more so than just being environmentally friendly, right and this altruistic thing, so that really, you know, they saw value in that. And, and we ensured, you know, we wanted to make sure that we did that from the very beginning because we wanted to show them, hey look, yes, it helps the environment, but also it impacts your bottom line. So, so that whole piece, you know, we’ve carried from 2008 all the way till now. And the general attitude now, especially with rising fuel costs this year is that they want to do everything they can to reduce fuel costs and fuel consumption. So now, you know fleets are taking a more serious look at idling and speeding, all those behaviors that tend to waste more fuel and they impact our bottom line.

Host – Wiola 30:41
Okay. Wrap up questions. Have you ever been a DJ?

Guest – Yukon 30:49

Host – Wiola 30:50
A DJ is like a music DJ. Yeah. Like, you know, oh, I mean, all sorts of DJing. You know, it can be you know, professional. It can be for fun. It can be at family events, or you know, some other occasions, or just mixing your music, you know, playing for friends. That kind of stuff. Yeah, now you need to answer.

Guest – Yukon 31:14
I guess if you count my kids birthday party. That’s the closest I’ve ever come to DJ.

Host – Wiola 31:23
Okay, counts!

Host – Bryan 31:24
How about your favorite cocktail?

Guest – Yukon 31:26
Favorite cocktail? Actually, I like beer. So IPAs are my favorite. Yeah, so yeah.

Host – Wiola 31:39
Okay, so how big is the biggest fleet you worked with?

Guest – Yukon 31:44
I would say they’re just under 1000. Maybe just under about 1000 units.

Host – Bryan 31:49
All right. And what’s the best place to get fish tacos in San Diego?

Guest – Yukon 31:52
Oh, well, okay. So there’s a few. I would say Lolita’s, Lolita’s is is one of the best. And then Jalapenos is another place down here. That it’s near near my house that I really like but I would say Lolita’s is is one of the best places for fish tacos.

Host – Bryan 32:11
Well because I’m an east coaster. So I’m from New York. So when anyone talks about California, I usually disregard them. But when they talk about San Diego, I’d somehow just have a special part in San Diego like just the weather. For me. That seems like the perfect temperature. 60s No, always?

Guest – Yukon 32:27
Yeah. 70s.

Host – Bryan 32:28
70s? That’s that’s so perfect. I always have a soft spot for San Diego.

Guest – Yukon 32:33
Oh, yeah. Yeah, we have great, great fish tacos down here.

Host – Bryan 32:37
And also one of our clients ClickUp. I don’t know if you know who ClickUp is. Yeah, so we’ve worked with clickup before we’ve helped them with their mobile apps and stuff. So also another soft spot for San Diego.

Guest – Yukon 32:49
Awesome. Cool.

Host – Wiola 32:50
San Diego seems seems a really cool place. This is. Yes, that’s what I hear. Every time I we speak about San Diego. Everybody loves San Diego. So I have to go there. Finally at some point. Okay, so speaking of San Diego, and then maybe speaking of our country, or at least my country, because Bryan is from United States. What comes to your mind when you think of Poland?

Guest – Yukon 33:24
Poland? So, you know, I know that you guys have a lot of software developments, a lot of skilled software developers. Yeah. So yeah, that’s that’s the that’s the main thing. Someone that used to work for me was from Poland. So she’d always speak highly of, you know, of the country. And she had a lot of pride for our country, which is great. I think she was there. Her parents were there during the Soviet Union times when there was a lot more influence. So you know, I know there’s a lot of history there. So you know, that it’s actually that’s one place I really want to visit one day is because, you know, I’m really big into world history. And I love going places where there’s a lot of, you know, a lot of historical things.

Host – Bryan 34:05
You’re more than welcome. All right. And that was Yukon Palmer, CEO and founder of FieldLogix, Yukon thank you so much for being a part of the podcast today.

Guest – Yukon 34:15
Absolutely. Yeah. Thank you.

Host – Wiola 34:17
Thank you.

Ending 34:20
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