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The new era of car shipping

This time, we’ll be talking with Scott Evans, the Director of Product at RunBuggy – an open marketplace that connects car shippers and haulers. Get to know him better 👇

Ep 12: The new era of car shipping - graphic1

The new era of car shipping – with Scott Evans

During our conversation, Scott told us about his journey of becoming the Director of Product at RunBuggy – an open marketplace that connects car shippers and haulers. We also discussed different aspects of the car shipping industry, what kind of improvements and innovations we can expect at RunBuggy, and much more! Meet Scott!

Points covered:

  • Scott’s professional journey
  • The everyday job of a director of product 
  • The history and background behind RunBuggy
  • RunBuggy – what’s in their timeline?
  • Car shipping industry pain points and challenges
  • ‘Being environmentally conscious doesn’t happen overnight’ – how to ship cars wisely

About Scott

Scott Evans is the Director of Product at RunBuggy – a platform that connects car shippers and haulers through an app. Thanks to the RunBuggy app, they allow dealers, auctions, and individuals to ship and track cars across the United States. However, it’s only the beginning as they are planning to grow and expand.

Although he spent the recent years of his career in product management, his background comes from marketing and technology.

Recently, we also asked him a few questions to get to know him better – read them here.

Intro 0:00
Welcome to the ‘How We Innovate’ podcast presented by Applandeo hosted by me, Wiola and my co-host, Bryan. On this podcast, we talk with leading innovators, pull back the curtain on their industry, and get to know how they use technology to achieve success, as well as share the story behind them and their businesses.

Host – Bryan 0:23
Welcome to ‘How We Innovate’ podcast. This is episode number 12. And with this, we have a very special guest, Scott Evans, the Director of Product at RunBuggy. Scott, thank you so much for joining us today.

Guest – Scott 0:35
Yeah, thank you for having me.

Host – Bryan 0:37
Sure. You know, usually before we start, as you know, we usually just get into a little bit about yourself with your background, how you got started with the company RunBuggy, right? So why don’t you just give us a brief introduction about you?

Guest – Scott 0:50
Yeah, for sure, gosh, where to start, because I feel like I’ve lived like three careers in one. I graduated from Indiana University, Kelley School of Business with actually a marketing degree. So really, very little background in quote, unquote, tech. I always kind of joke that people who end up in product always end up sort of accidentally in product, because there’s no real career track, per se, for product managers. Like it’s not like there’s a degree that you go get. I mean, I know now there’s like some stock certificates and stuff like that. But there’s not really like a career track per se. And so, for me, the way that that looked was I started an analytic consulting for the Nielsen Company, which is a big TV ratings company, but I also worked in the consumer packaged goods side. And I started working in some like technology training, like side gigs. And then every step of the way, throughout my career, I kind of just pinched my big toe, and then okay, now my ankle, you know, foot and ankle, you know, now, okay, I’m halfway in every step of my career, I sort of stopped a staff assessed and said, Okay, well, now I’m, you know, I’m in technology, I work in product. And I remember there was one point where I was actually looking backward at a previous role that I had, and I was like, Oh, my God, I was a product manager, like I didn’t even know, because we weren’t calling it that, because I was employee number 10 at a startup. So like, it was just like one of many hats that I was wearing. And so probably the most relevant experience prior to me being with RunBuggy was with Cox automotive, working most closely with the Manheim auto auction. And in doing so, helped lead a humongous digital transfer transformation of their, of their operational software. And that was a humongous investment that involves several different programs and like the most coordination across departments that you’ve ever seen, I’m not gonna say it’s pretty or it was pretty, but it was a really cool experience for me just being pretty early in my career and having an opportunity to travel around to these different auctions. And, you know, see the software actually be deployed. And in some cases, make users cry, make users happy like it, you know, because there was a lot of change there to absorb. And so I kind of got started into the automotive technology space there. From there took a stint at Angie, it’s now it was Angie’s List, it’s now Angie, so working on the consumer application, consuming thing consumer engagement facing for Angie’s List, and that was really cool. Just because I had I had worked in operational software, I hadn’t really had a chance to work like consumer facing so that gave me an opportunity to just sort of brush up on those skills. And then had a brief time with car global working on their online products online digital auction product, but got approached by the founder of one of the cofounders of RunBuggy. He happened to live here in town at the at the time. I’m based in Indianapolis, Indiana, by the way. So he happened to live at the time he’s like, yeah, there’s literally a sign behind. I know we’re not you can’t see the video, but there’s a sign behind me that says team Hooters. So. Anyway, yeah, so Indiana University through and through, but yeah, yeah. He just approached me and said, you know, Hey, are you interested? And I really was extremely lukewarm about the whole thing because I’m like, Look, man, I just changed jobs three months ago. Oh, this is a really bad idea, like career wise on paper. Doesn’t make sense. And I do like that in tech, there’s a little bit less stigma around that. So we ended up meeting it like, like a brewing company that’s downtown Indianapolis and ended up hitting it off having a great conversation, talked for probably two, two and a half, three hours, just more about the industry. A very low key very chill interview, met with a couple of the other folks that were working in product at the time. And yeah, you know, the rest is history. That’s kind of how I ended up with RunBuggy. And I’ve been there since April of last year.

Host – Bryan 5:41
Very cool. And I think maybe before we get into RunBuggy, what you guys do specifically, I think, from our perspective, right, so, you know, we usually have CEOs, CTOs, we’ve had directors of engineerings. Right? So you’re our first director of product, right? So what is like your day to day job? Are you interacting with so many different different teams? Or, you know, what’s the what’s your day to day job like?

Guest – Scott 6:03
You know, day to day, I think the first thing that I do, just to try to stay organized is, you know, in our working tool, I want to see what we have, we have a QA team that works sometimes overnight. And I’ll want to see, like what’s been assigned to me, like what’s been discovered overnight, because like, I’m probably going to have to either triage it or prioritize it or whatnot. So I’m starting my day that way. But then really, I mean, it can take many different turns, we typically about three times a week, have a full team stand up with the engineering team. So we’re definitely going to do that. We’re going to talk through what the current working problems are, what blockers they’re facing, things like that. In the afternoon, my day might take a little bit of a different twist. Yesterday, I was meeting with some folks on the sales engineering team, because they had questions about the way that potential new features going to work. And with a client that we’re talking to you right now, but we haven’t finalized things with. So it’s all over the place. And then later in the evening, I actually had an appointment. And then I had a developer hit me up while I was in the appointment. And he’s like, Hey, can we talk? And so then we talked to through some designs that were already mocked up, but needed some finalization and needed some clarity in terms of what were their requirements. So we’re talking like, and that’s just like, one day, so.

Host – Bryan 7:39
So every day is an adventure, right?

Guest – Scott 7:44
Yeah, it’s like going to the theme park and somebody blindfolding you, to take you to wherever and you’re like, well, let’s go. So you, you really have to be the type of person that is, is pretty okay with that kind of change that sort of, you know, I’m definitely not, it’s not like a punch my timecard. And the same thing happens every day. It’s not even close to that. So.

Host – Wiola 8:08
So that’s a pretty nice shift from technology to marketing to sales and everything that’s around that. Pretty cool.

Guest – Scott 8:19
Yeah, know, it is cool. You know, like, sometimes I kind of downplay it, but it is cool. You know, it’s really cool to be able to experience a lot of different types of or parts of a business, because really, you know, it shapes me is as the type of person that I want to be in the future, which is more entrepreneurial, to be honest, I’ve been completely upfront with my employers and whoever about that is that, you know, this is probably not going to be my forever thing. I don’t even know what the entrepreneurial entrepreneurial thing is that I want to try, you know, at this point, because I just haven’t figured it out. But I know that that’s, I want that to be a step in my life. And so I think it’s cool in product because you get to experience so many different types of, of the business and you get to learn so many different things and kind of become like a Jack or Jill of all trades, so to speak.

Host – Wiola 9:18
So speaking of business and entrepreneurship. RunBuggy, is the platform that connects shippers and haulers. And you have also the web and and mobile app. And where this idea came from, for RunBuggy.?

Guest – Scott 9:40
Yeah, it’s it’s pretty cool. Like, you know, I definitely think I get the varnished version of it. But basically, you know, three guys that work together in the auto dealerships in Southern California. We’re like, shipping cars sucks, like, it’s really, really, it’s one of the types of things that feels like it takes more time than it should. It is not technology driven. It’s not like, really anything where I get a lot of information along the way. You know, it’s really more like, it’s kind of like, you know, if you ordered a package online, or like, it might come here in like the next couple, three weeks, or something, I don’t know, when it’s gonna show up. And that’s just, you know, that’s not our reality now, just with the advent of Amazon, and everything, you know, our expectations, as consumers and business people has completely changed in terms of the type of transparency that we asked for the type of, you know, upfront pricing. You know, ‘I don’t want any surprise fees or anything like that’ – all of these things are things that we’ve grown to not just feel surprised and delighted by, but instead expect. So just out of the box, like, I’m not going to do business with you, unless you check these boxes. And so I think that’s where the idea originated from was just like, some some guys that are working in a dealership setting, and they’re like, jeez, this is just awful. Like, I never know, when my cars are going to arrive. I don’t know when my cars are gonna get to the auction. And really, what kind of threw gasoline on the fire of RunBugy was, you know, unfortunately, but fortunately for the business was COVID-19. Because that invented an entire new sector of like, home consumer delivery, like, no, if you had asked me five years ago, if I would have accepted my car being delivered on a truck to my house, I would have been like, no, like, I gotta test drive it I got to do all this stuff. Like no, no, I’m not doing that. But when we kind of created this world where, you know, contactless delivery, contactless services kind of became a thing that really helped the business a lot in terms of its growth. And that’s here to stay. That’s the other thing I’ll say is that’s here to stay because people have experienced it now. And they see how convenient it is. And the online retailers are doing a lot of smart things, you know, seven day guarantees, and all these sorts of services that don’t make it so scary to not go to the dealership. So.

Host – Wiola 12:50
Okay, so it actually came from a real problem. And some, like everyday struggle that that RunBuggy is, is the answer to that. So you’re addressing a real need. And in what way you disrupted the industry in the first place? So obviously, like, United States is a very big country and this car hauling industry and shipping industry, what was there a long time ago? And how is it possible that, you know, this? Those solutions are and were in there at that time?

Guest – Scott 13:34
Yeah, you know, I don’t want to say that they were. I would say that they had not been, it was sort of like a puzzle pieces in the industry that hadn’t really been put together. So there’s, you know, it’s not like we don’t have competition or, you know, companies that we respect in the services that they provide. It’s really not that I think for us, you know, and we feel that our position is we’ve put together a string of services that make sense for shippers and haulers alike. And the way that we’ve done that really is through transparency in pricing, and pay and the payout. And so, with, when you’re a shipper, you know, you want to move a car, you want to move this a group of cars. As soon as you punch in your information, you’re gonna get a price straightaway. That’s it, and that’s what you’re gonna pay. And if you hit confirm my order, that’s the price you’re gonna pay. We’re not going to hit you with any weird fees or anything like that. You you’re going to pay that. Now, during the process. As the transporter claims the order assigns a driver begins moving that vehicle you’re gonna get alerts all along the way. So you’re gonna know what’s going on. Even be able to track that vehicle in real time using GPS technology. So there’s a lot of both with transparency. When I talk about that I’m really talking about both the price and the movement of the vehicle. Now, on the hauler side, it’s about getting paid quickly. And it’s also about optimization. And so we have a team of super smart data scientists that are constantly thinking about better ways for us to optimize the load. And really, we, you know, we do this for a few different reasons, not just not just the benefit the hauler because it, it does, right, it’s really good for them to have a full truck going to and from wherever their destination is. But in addition to that, just what’s our greenhouse footprint look like? Like from from a hauling industry from a RunBuggy industry, whatever you name it, every time that we’re running a track that’s empty, someone’s running a truck that’s empty to a place to go pick something up and come back, you know, that’s a wasted opportunity in our, in our, in our minds to do better for the planet. And so that’s kind of, I think that’s all of our benefits sort of in a nutshell is, you know, it’s great for the shippers, it’s great for the haulers, but it’s also great for the environment, in terms of improving, being being environmentally conscious is not something that you can do overnight, like this is something that you have to be incrementally better at. And I think that’s something that we’re really focused on we we actually have someone in the data science group that is like exclusively focused on that. And so I’m really proud to be a part of a company that that thinks about that. Because, you know, I think sometimes in the automotive industry that can be I don’t want to say not necessarily true, certainly things that are coming up, but stereotypically speaking, it’s had a history of being like, Oh, I don’t care about the environment. Like they just care about making these combustion engines forever. And, you know, do it during the thing. So that’s, that’s been a really nice thing to see that we’ve introduced.

Host – Bryan 17:25
Cool. And I think you know, for RunBuggy, right, so you guys have right at the moment, two separate products, right? So you have the marketplace and Hitch right. So, you know, from our understanding, right, so Hitch is where

Guest – Scott 17:37
Wow, you know about Hitch? Okay! You’ve done your homework then.

Host – Bryan 17:42
So yeah, so Hitch is were, you know, they already have some existing software that they use that they’re able to integrate within RunBuggy, right? So what percentage of users are sort of the customers where, you know, they’re you already have some existing software that they link with you guys versus, you know, I’m completely RunBuggy centric.

Guest – Scott 18:03
Yeah. Gosh, I would love to answer that question like I really can. So, but, you know, I’m excited to talk about Hitch and sort of what opportunities were pursuing and in in the market. What I think is cool, just in terms of, you know, not to be too cliche, but like, how we innovate.

Host – Bryan 18:26
The name of the podcast, there you go!

Guest – Scott 18:31
But no, in all seriousness, like how we innovate in in great product shops is really finding your adjacencies. So like, you know, Hitch, when we started talking about it, when we started thinking about it, first of all, it started with some customer conversations, where people were like, wow, this is really cool. And like, we use stuff like this internally, but it’s not very good. It doesn’t, you know, do what we expect it to do. It’s kind of interesting. And so in identifying that sort of product adjacency, we were able to, you know, identify a product opportunity really, to help mostly existing customers that are falling back to the RunBuggy product or some of their transportation needs, but not necessarily using RunBuggy for all of their transportation needs, because they’re the type of company that has their own trucks, you know, and that’s the big thing. They’re the type of company that has their own trucks that they’re the type of company that has partner transporters that are doing a majority of their hauling, but the price is pre negotiated. There’s really no need for them to kind of like go out to RunBuggy marketplace and find not that this is a bad thing, but in their case, you know, a random, more random hauler somebody that they don’t know or somebody that they don’t contractually have that they don’t contractually do business with all the time. And that’s kind of how this was identified as sort of like, like, you know, the idea of, like, let’s let you let you do your business, and then guess what your business is, that’s great, but we’re gonna be here for you if you need to flex up or down your capacity, RunBuggy marketplace is there for that to interact with. And so that’s sort of where the product adjacency came about. Admittedly, we’re pretty early in the process. You know, I think we announced in I don’t know, you would know better than me, because you probably read the press release recently. That’s why I was so surprised you would know Hitch, Hitch – what?!

Host – Wiola 21:03
Yes, we even had this discussion today. Like, what’s the difference between Hitch and marketplace? [laugh]

Guest – Scott 21:10
Yeah, I appreciate you doing your research at that, because yeah, Hitch is a lot. It’s not near the maturity level of the marketplace product. And really, that’s just because we continue to learn and listen from our customers and all of that, so. But what’s exciting about it, is that there’s a lot of different ways that this could go, we feel that it could serve a lot of different types of customers, like even maybe outside car hauling per se. Because it’s really about deployment and about, like, figuring out where your trucks are, and figuring out where they’re gonna go and all of that sort of thing. And we’ve really taken the time to listen to the customers and think about what the market adjacencies are, and frankly, how it might affect the marketplace product because of sort of the the trickle down effect of allowing in getting these customers on the product and then also allowing them to flex capacity up and down. And if you think about other hauling companies, like the holiday season for just typical shipping and shipping gets like you’re gonna see Amazon flex and FedEx and flex into UPS and flex into USPS because their capacities up there’s a baseline capacity and then there’s like a higher capacity and that’s what gives us an opportunity to help our customers is being there for that capacity. And so big small, you know, medium, you’re whether you’re an independent dealer or you’re a big online retailer, you have the ability to flex into RunBuggy for capacity as needed.

Host – Bryan 23:13
Cool. And I guess maybe now we could pivot into like the industry as a whole right? So you know, so you guys, at RunBuggy, you know, you guys deal with the car haulers, the shippers right. And you know, those are two different industries right. But you know, so what are some of their specific pain points that you know, maybe a car hauler has and that a shipper has? Right? Especially in today’s atmosphere, today’s market?

Guest – Scott 23:35
Yeah, I’ll start with haulers. Like, we love haulers. Just because they show up. We actually have like this thing like hauler or the month thing that we post on LinkedIn. But we put some real thought into who wins that, you know, it’s not like we draw names out of the hat. We’re like, literally going through. And we have a team of great operations managers and operations specialists that work insane hours to try to make sure that these that these haulers and shippers are served. So in terms of the advantages, I think it’s I think it’s really about the technology in your pocket. It’s about getting paid quickly. So our average turn time, you know, plus or minus, depending on the bank and all that but we we try to ACH to the haulers after they complete the order before five days. And so because of that, like a lot in this industry, is net 30. Right? We’re talking as this that’s a big amount of time, you know, waiting 30 days to be paid versus getting paid in five. A lot of our haulers are small businesses, they’re feeding their families, they’re, you know, taking care of expenses that are coming along. And we want to respect that. And that’s why really from a financial standpoint, we’re we’re paying almost quick more quickly than we get paid, if that makes sense on on purpose, because we just know how important it is. And so I think those are the two big advantages is that technology and the payment, but those are big pain points for them. And then also taking less time to do the planning and more time to just be on the road and get the hauling done. And that’s where I was talking about earlier load optimizing and making sure that, you know, we’re setting them up where they’re like not having to make a bunch of decisions or map things out, trying to figure out what’s the best way to make the best, best amount of money for for their business. And so I think those are the big pain points that we see on the one side from the shipper side, it’s like transparency. It’s just like, What am I going to pay? How long is it going to take? When is my car gonna be there? And are you going to be able to meet the expectations of my end customer, like, that’s a big thing for our white glove team. So we do a lot of hauling for some, some really, you know, we’re talking, you’re spending $100,000 on a car online, like you want it to show up with somebody who looks like they care, and that they, you know, that they really taken the time to, and that’s, you know, that’s completely within the capabilities of our haulers is to do that. And so yeah, like I said, you know, it’s transparency, it’s that service, those things have not been prevalent and have been big pain points in the industry in the past.

Host – Wiola 26:31
And I what about some unexpected challenges you experienced, and even getting back to the pandemic times, obviously, you know, what happened and talking about the, the haulers industry, because of the, you know, the the shortage of the new cars and lack of some components and chips. Obviously, like, it caused a disruptions in the, in the car industry, there was a shortage of the used cars that caused some disruptions in this industry. And, and obviously, this is like a chain and how, where are you in this chain? And how, how is it affecting that kind of a business?

Guest – Scott 27:13
Yeah, you know, gosh, it’s been a roller coaster a couple of years? Because it was like.

Host – Bryan 27:18
Really? It seems like it’s been pretty smooth? No? [laugh] Where have you been?

Guest – Scott 27:24
I don’t know, if we’re seeing or we know, in all seriousness, you know, we’re trying to navigate those challenges as much as possible. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that, you know, there was pent up demand after that, then I mean, really macro economic questions and answers is that there was pent up demand from the pandemic, which caused a surge in demand, which then caused a restriction on supply, which continues, and you’re talking inflation, gas prices, all these things. There are challenges for us, you know, even like when we talk about our pricing model, we want to make sure that our haulers are being paid something that, you know, makes sense. And so we’re having to, you know, luckily, we’re working on an improved and even more improved model, we have a great model, but we’re working on an even more improved model where we really take a lot of different factors into into place. So like whether you’re going over a toll road or you’re traveling into an inner city area, that’s going to be difficult for you to get your truck around like there’s like some big 10 bonuses and things like that into the pricing model, but now it’s like, not just that it’s about fuel. The availability of fuel where you’re going to be getting fuel because like my fuel here in Indianapolis, Indiana is 4.09 a gallon And whereas west coast, you might see at 6.69, you know, and so that’s a big difference. It’s, it’s not really like $1 here is worth $1 there. And so that’s, that’s been a really big challenge for for us to stay out ahead of, I think we’ve done a tremendous job, we have a full time pricing team that’s just thinking about that. And so we really try to stay in front of that. And then I think, honestly, because of the demand and the supply of cars, it’s really taken us, you know, or it’s made us from an inward standpoint, like looking inward, like, okay, what are some other opportunities that we can look at. And so I think, two years ago, would have been really easy to kind of ride the marketplace business and be like, Yep, this is our bread and butter, we do it. And that’s, that’s really how we react to those market conditions has been, you know, thinking about things like Hitch, RunBuggy one, so shameless plug, but if you want to ship your car, as a consumer, you’re gonna go to runbuggyone.com, and you’re gonna get a quote immediately, and standing that up, and really trying to, to, to do that in a in a way that allows us to diversify our business so that we can stay safer and the economy and the economic conditions and things like that.

Host – Bryan 30:31
Yeah, and I guess maybe, before we wrap, I guess, like, you know, I think you’ve mentioned a lot of times, like you how RunBuggy is very lean. Right? So in terms of like, your engineering team and product development, right, so how big is your team? And you know, and you’re talking about? So what else is on your roadmap, maybe looking for, you know, since we’re two months away from the New Year, so what do what should we expect from RunBuggy heading into the new year?

Host – Wiola 30:54
Or 12 months away? From two to 12 months away?

Guest – Scott 30:59
Some really cool stuff. Now, I, you know, it’s not that we hold it so close to the chest, but we definitely, I think the bigger thing is that we definitely pride ourselves on being able to react to the market and make changes to the roadmap, and that’s the sign of a true, you know, agile shop, if you lock in, and I’ve worked in places, and they’ve been great, and their business is very solid. And they’re the types of places where I can tell you 18 months from now, what we’re going to be, quote unquote, working on, but we never were. So I feel like you’re lying to yourself, if you think that you’re gonna have like this solid roadmap of things. I think we have some exciting enhancements, obviously, we’re going to continue to focus and invest in hitch in terms of the marketplace, adding further capability in terms of routes, route building, more, more comprehensive tooling. We’ve got all these smart data scientists, and they’ve done a bunch of really cool work. And it’s, it’s somewhat embedded, but I think there’s a way to better embed that so that it’s a really great experience for shippers and haulers when they’re seeing how we optimize the things that they’re trying to move. And so I think all those things are, are on our roadmap for 2023, which sounds crazy to say, I can’t believe I just said that. A freak out now. But yeah, I’m excited for what’s to come. We’ve got tons of cool stuff. You won’t, you won’t, you won’t miss out, because I’d be glad to come back and chat more about it as we continue to show how we innovate, baby. I really couldn’t help you guys.

Host – Bryan 33:01
You’re the first guest. You’re the first guest who’s like done it like repeatedly. So Scott, you’ve been crushing it today. Yeah.

Guest – Scott 33:08
I do my best. I do my best.

Host – Bryan 33:11
Yeah, so Scott this the part where we just have some rapid fire questions. Right. So it was it’s been a theme of our show, episode 11-12. You know, a lot of our guests out of nowhere, you know, it started with our first guest and he was talking about a DJ. So then we’re like, alright, let’s just keep asking our guests if they’ve ever been a DJ. Then we’ve had Kelly so she was a DJ in the army. And then you know, we had the first five guests were DJs and then it got cut or little and then it resumed. So the first question is, have you ever been a DJ? Not professionally, it doesn’t have to be professionally but have you ever DJed at a party or birthday but anything any DJ related?

Guest – Scott 33:52
Oh, sure. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I remember we were mean that some friends were planning a Halloween party in college. And this was like, not free. This was like pre streaming music availability where, I don’t know if you guys remember this, but like where you had to, like build the playlist on Apple Music, and it’s like, so tedious and so exhausting. And I remember spending hours on that, because I’m like, it’s gotta be perfect. Like, What songs do I have? What songs gonna borrow from my friend? Like, all this stuff? So yeah, like, at a party? Sure. Yeah. You know, I’m always down to be in control of the remote for sure that I don’t mind that at all.

Host – Bryan 34:39
Cool. And then I get so these are you guys from my purse. But these are like, I guess pretty RunBuggy specific questions. Right? So what’s the coolest car that you guys have ever shipped? In your in your point of view? Like, is there like some super classic car or like, some old Mustang or any, any the coolest car? And you’re?

Guest – Scott 34:59
Oh, that’s a really, really hard question. Because we get a lot of really cool stuff. Yeah, like some of the things that are coming from, like some of our different clients, these classic auction clients and things like that. But I’d have to say, the rivian new truck. Oh, I think is like the coolest. And I think also selfishly because I’m like, I really want one, I want that new version of one. But I really want that, like there’s a new SUV version that’s coming out. But yeah, my first time ever seeing a rivian truck in person. I’m staying at an Airbnb in in Sonoma, in wine country in California. And I walked out and I was like, Shut up that’s already in track. And I was like, it’s actually a lot smaller than I expected which is cool. Because like, I don’t I can’t see myself driving like a really big truck like, so. Yeah, I think that’s the coolest car that we’ve shipped.

Host – Wiola 36:04
Okay, the last the last question. Not industry specific. What’s your favorite cocktail, Scott?

Guest – Scott 36:12
Ohh, my favorite cocktail.

Host – Wiola 36:14

Guest – Scott 36:14
Okay. I would have to say a traditional Manhattan is my favorite. So got the bitter. Not too sweet. It’s got a really, really high quality bourbon. And it’s funny that you ask this because, like, almost never drink, like spirits, ever. So I’m telling you, if I’m gonna order a cocktail, it’s gonna be because like, I’ll I’ll have a beer, some wine, whatever. But like, if I don’t order a cocktail, like it better be like, somewhere that’s really gonna be this up, right? Yeah. Like, I’m not just gonna get some sports bar and be like, Hey, can you make me a Manhattan and like, that’s the recipe for disasters.

Host – Bryan 36:57
Awesome. All right, Scott, thank you so much. That was Scott Evans, Director of Product at RunBuggy. Scott, thank you so much for joining us today.

Guest – Scott 37:05
Yeah, appreciate the time and it was really a pleasure.

Host – Bryan 37:07
Thank you.

Host – Wiola 37:08
Thank you, Scott.

Ending 37:50
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