SWI, the HR management app – Infolet
The platform automates and optimizes the management of the recruitment processes.

The Client
Infolet is a software development company with long-term experience in outsourcing IT professionals and the Build-Operate-Transfer model. Infolet builds functional software for clients all around Europe in various sectors, including aviation, automotive, telco, new media, finance and banking.
Infolet, Altimi

As none of the software solutions didn’t meet the requirements of both companies, the final decision was to create a high-standard product tailored to their needs and implement any other HR department.

Our solutions
After analyzing the requirements, our specialists agreed the most suitable technology stack for this type of project was: Java on the backend and Bootstrap on the frontend side. ORM would be responsible for the connection to the database. Business logic should be incorporated into the backend of the application. The technology we chose for the project:
- Java
- Spring
- Hibernate
- Elastic Search
- Bootstrap
Having the exact requirements, we divided the design work into one-week sprints. After each sprint, we discussed the project’s progress with the stakeholders. Creating a stable alpha-version application based on the first mockups has taken 8 months of work of our team.
The results
We’ve created a modular web application that replaces the tools used so far and brings them together in one place. We have enhanced it with additional functionality to streamline employee and manager communication. The application made it 75% shorter time to search for candidates and publish job offers on advertising portals directly from the application panel. It also creates a space for storing company know-how.

Technologies we used
The Client’s opinion

Switching from massive Excel spreadsheets with recruitment data into one integrated software system was a significant leap in improving recruiters’ daily work effectiveness. The system gave us the possibility to organize work better, watch over the multiple recruitment processes. Moreover, it gave us a chance to supervise the progress recruitment process and share the data within the recruitment team and also with our clients. Now it isn’t easy to imagine the work of our organization without this system.

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