‘How We Innovate’ podcast – with Mr. Mark Russell Filaroski
Welcome to the ‘How We Innovate’ podcast by Applandeo, where we'll show you the road to the success of our guests - not only from the technical perspective.
Welcome to the ‘How We Innovate’ podcast by Applandeo, where we'll show you the road to the success of our guests - not only from the technical perspective.
This time, we’ll be talking with Mr. Mark Russell Filaroski, the CEO and Founder of SeeSnap – the visual smart photo app improving the work of deskless workers. Get to know him better 👇
Mark is the CEO and Founder of SeeSnap – a smart photo app & cloud platform enabling deskless workers to manage and visually document their work through the task management tool they built.
At SeeSnap, together with his team, he works on creating a new AI platform solution aimed at visual-first, mobile-first workflow improvement. Thanks to SeeSnap, both employer and employee have visual proof of work that is recorded at every step of the project. This technology helps them improve the communication between the desktop and the deskless workers and manages time more efficiently.
Before SeeSnap, his work experience revolved for a number of years around entrepreneurship, investment, and compliance.
1. What was your first job, and what was the most important thing you learned from it?
I started a lawn-moving business when I was 12. It taught me how to be an independent earner and many valuable business lessons around management and money.
2. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you have a beer with?
(alive or dead)
Alive: Right now, my SeeSnap team – I’d love to break bread with each of them because we haven’t done that yet as we’re global.
Deceased: Dinner would be with Albert Einstein.
3. How do you start your day / What does a typical day look like for you?
4:30 am is when I wake up. I like to get out for an hour and do light exercise, then get my coffee. This time is used to orientate myself to the day’s biggest “wins”, “must do’s”, “lots of checking the boxes” and “putting points on the board”.
4. What are three apps you can’t live without?
Chess.com is my favorite app at the moment and one of my only non-work-related apps. Although I love to read, so a close second is my Kindle.
5. Most influential book or movie?
There are so many very average movies nowadays that I wouldn’t recommend one. Shows like Billions (HBO) & Silicon valley (no longer airing) are my favorite types.
The best book and my favorite reads each day come from James Clear – email / Automic habits – book.
6. The first word that comes to your mind when you think of Poland
Beautiful people, Vodka, and potatoes or pierogies. FYI – I’m Polish, so I also I’m firmly aware of the monstrous work ethic and resolve of the people.
The episode will be published on the 25th of October 2022. Don’t miss it – follow us on Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, where you can also check our previous episodes!
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