How We Innovate podcast - with Kevin Ziegler

This time, we’ll be talking with Kevin Ziegler, the Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at, where they automate away freight invoice challenges with a modern software-as-a-service platform. Get to know him better 👇

About Kevin

Kevin Ziegler

Kevin is the Co-Founder and CTO at – a modern Software-as-a-Service platform that, thanks to freight invoicing experts, solves various audit headaches. They enable 3PLs and brokers to automate their processes at scale and gain better insights into their freight spending. Navix also creates greater profitability through its API-first approach for seamless integrations, AI-driven analytics, and white-glove auditing services. 

Kevin started Navix in 2020, and since then, his SaaS solution has been trusted by leading supply chain and logistics companies and processing $1B+ in freight annually. His over 20-year background in IT has primarily been in software development, but he’s also been involved in systems infrastructure, networking, and business intelligence. Within the last five years, Kevin has been using this experience to help organizations build, migrate, or improve upon their cloud maturity and DevOps processes.

Few Questions for Kevin:

1. What was your first job, and what was the most important thing you learned from it?  

My first job was as a little league baseball umpire. To this date, probably the toughest job I ever had (due to the parents). I learned to have thick skin, pay close attention to the game, stick with your decision, and be (or at least appear) confident. 

2. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you have a beer with? 

Tough one, Dave Chapelle. He’s the funniest person I (don’t) know, he’s generous, innovative, and not afraid to go against the grain. 

3. How do you start your day / What does a typical day look like for you? 

I make coffee, read the news and help get my kids (17m, 14f, 11f) off to school, usually followed by some daily meetings to start the day. If there is a typical day for a startup founder, it is mostly filled with meetings or collaboration sessions, helping drive user stories for development, keeping up to date on open projects, I also work out every day around noon. 

4. What are three apps you can’t live without? 

Slack, Spotify, and LinkedIn

5. Most influential book or movie? 

The Lean startup

6. What is the best advice that you’ve ever received?

Food! I love Polish food! 

When can you expect the episode?

The episode will be published on the 23rd of January, 2023. Don’t miss it – follow us on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube, where you can also check our previous episodes!

🎧 Listen to the episode here 🎧

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‘How We Innovate’ podcast – with Kevin Ziegler - marcel-100px Hi, I’m Marcin, COO of Applandeo

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‘How We Innovate’ podcast – with Kevin Ziegler - Start-a-project